speech therapy

What is holistic treatment and is it important for speech & feeding therapy?

Creative Speech Therapy NYC providers are committed to this approach for all their families. Whether a client has a whole team of private practice doctors, therapists, and family members at their side, or a more limited support system – they are treated thoroughly and with care.

What is holistic treatment and is it important for speech & feeding therapy? Read More »

10 Things I’ve Learned Listening to Speech Therapists in the Room Next to Me the Past Two Years

From the Mouths of Babes: 10 Things I’ve Learned From Our Clients and Speech Therapists I’ve had the unique opportunity of working as the office manager and marketing director for Creative Speech Therapy NYC for almost two years. Creative Speech Therapy NYC is a private speech and feeding therapy clinic on the upper east side

10 Things I’ve Learned Listening to Speech Therapists in the Room Next to Me the Past Two Years Read More »

What Does Pediatric Feeding Therapy Look Like?

What Does Pediatric Feeding Therapy Look Like? Pediatric feeding therapy is a personalized and holistic approach to support children in developing healthy eating habits and fostering a positive relationship with food. Feeding therapy is a specialized area of therapy that focuses on addressing a child’s difficulties related to eating, feeding, and mealtime behaviors. The treatment

What Does Pediatric Feeding Therapy Look Like? Read More »

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